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Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday Night

Last night there was a party for all the MAPMES students and their MAP-mates (Israeli students paired up with them) at a hookah place called Diwan Hani, in Beer Sheva. I got to impress some of the MAP-mates with my Hebrew and we spoke Arabic with Hani, who gave free tea. Good times were had by all.

Since it was pretty late by the time we were done, instead of going back to Dimona, Amir invited me to stay on his couch. This was very nice of him, until his roommate's dog decided to bite me on the leg. That was less fun, but I'm fine. This morning when I came back home, Shoko made it all better.

Time to get ready for Shabbat.

Shoko looking dashing in his new blue collar that Ian got him for Hanukkah.

Chowing down.

Playing fetch with his Kofi

1 comment:

  1. my mapmate is how i met ari. ohhh mapmate ;)

    love the collar.
