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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Miss Bobst

Today I woke up extra early to catch our bus to campus so I could hit the library. We got to campus before the library opened. Unbelievable! I don't get how the library closes at all. I remember many nights at Bobst, when I left after the sun had already come up. But I guess since this is on campus they'd need to keep the campus open all night as well. But still.

Anyway, I spent my morning going through the library and going over more books for my paper on the Basij. I had thought I was going to be examining how the Basij transformed from a paramilitary force of little boys, into a major government organization used to quell domestic disturbances. However, as I do more research it seems that the politicization of the Basij is merely one aspect of the changes the Revolutionary Government enacted over time. The government was able to use the Basij and Revolutionary Guards to keep the army in check and later mold them into tools of the right-wing of the regime that had to be increasingly relied upon as the moderate and liberal elements in Iranian society began to question the government more and more. Very interesting stuff. I just hope I have enough time to do it justice.

On a lighter note, he's Shoko taking a nap.

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