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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Shoko at School

Today I decided to bring Shoko to campus. I didn't realize how big he had gotten. I used to put him in my BGU bag and carry him on the bus, but now he doesn't even fit. It wasn't a problem bringing him on campus before because he would just hide in the bag, but today he walked in and security stopped us. I told them he was a seeing-eye-dog in training and I just forgot his vest. Luckily the security guard didn't know how to check if this was true and just let us in. Andrea looked after him while I was in Arabic and then we brought him to the OSP office to hang out and wait for the new study abroad students to arrive. Well, really we were waiting for the free pizza that was being served for lunch. But who's keeping track?

The new kids seem nice. I didn't really get to hang out with anyone specific because there were about 30 people crammed in the office together. Too many. But at least there was a whole lot of pizza. Too much in fact. Shoko played around with Nala, Tamar's seeing-eye-dog in training and wore himself out. He slept through most of lunch.

I then left to meet with David Newman and discuss the conference. It's going well, but since I just sent out emails to over 40 people, my inbox is crowded and I have a lot to keep track of.

After the meeting I went back to the OSP office and hung out with Andrea. We were bored so we decided to make Shoko a facebook profile. He's famous, whenever I walk with him on campus, people always say, "Hey, it's Shoko!" It's almost like he's a mini celebrity.

Shoko with Andrea's boyfriend, Roi.

Shoko and Nala

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