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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Long Day

Today I was the first day that I took the bus that replaced our private vans to school. It's the regular Egged bus, but it picks us up at the village before going through Dimona. So that means instead of taking 35 minutes to get to school, it takes a little over an hour. Not so fun.

This morning Loren and I met with Professor Reli Schechter to talk about our presentation for Conflict Resolution. He taught the Economy class last semester so we thought he would be a good person to talk to about getting started since our presentation is going to be on trade between Israel and the Arab states. He gave us a lot of good information and the names of some other professors to talk to. Good start.

Then we had Palestinian Society class. Today was kind of a background building class. We didn't really discuss Palestinians at all and instead focused on the different sociological ways of examining society and individuals. Interesting stuff although I'm not sure we needed a whole class for it.

Nothing so new was going on in Historiography. After class I went with Loren to the library to get some work done. I sent out a bunch of emails for the conference I'm organizing and I'm finally starting to hear back from a few stragglers I've been chasing after.

When I finally got home tonight, I went with everyone to the Moadon for a village meeting. Putting 40 college students in a room and opening up the floor to comments and complaints is a terrible idea. I know there are important things we all need to discuss, but it needs to be limited to things that are actually important and relevant to everyone.

Time to get ready for Arabic for tomorrow!

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