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Monday, November 2, 2009

No Class Monday

On Mondays I don't have class, so I took advantage of this by staying in Dimona today and running some errands.

I went to the bank and finally got my bankcard. So now I can buy things and go to ATMs without being worried about ridiculous fees an charges. But of course, since it's a bank, it took much longer than I would have liked.

I then got some new bed sheets. My old ones (actually Sam's old ones) were made for a single bed and now that I have a double, I figured it was time to upgrade sheets as well.

Then I did some very much needed grocery shopping and was able to make myself a nice lunch when I got back.

After that I spoke with someone about getting Internet and I should have that set up by next week! Up til now I've been mooching off the wifi from the village's office since it's right next door, but that isn't so great for skype.

And then I tried to do my laundry. This girl from the village showed me how to use the machines, but then she never came back to get her clothes out of the drier. They're still there now! At least 5 hours later! I was going to just take them out a few hours later but then someone else came and took my clothes out of the only washing machine because they had been sitting there for a little while. So I had to wait an hour and a half for those to finish before I could do my next load. In the meantime I had to find someone with and extra clothes-line hanger-thing, so I my clothes could dry! Very frustrating.

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