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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Endless Work

So I haven't posted in a long time because I've been trying to get lots of work done on my many, many papers. This has worked to some extent. I would like to have more done by now, but I'm on track and that's good enough for now.

Last night I finished by review of Syriana for my Oil Politics class. Earlier in the week I was about to sit down to watch it and I invited Boaz to watch with me. I felt pretty bad afterward. It's a confusing enough movie when English is your first language and I don't think he was able to follow it. I picked up more this time than the last time I watched it, but after I read a bunch of reviews and had more than a few "Oh! That's what that was," moments. It was definitely one of the more enjoyable papers I had to write.

Last Shabbat Rachel Ishofsky came down to visit. She's in Israel for the summer working in the Jewish Heart for Africa "office." I have office in quotations because she is just working off her computer, which means she's been doing her work on the beach and in cafes while watching the World Cup. Right now she's on her way down to Uganda. I'm very jealous.

Now I need to get back to work. In an hour or so I need to take Shoko to the vet get some shots and have a few papers filled out so he doesn't have any trouble with immigration.

I leave you with the pictures of Shoko that I took while I should have been working.

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