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Friday, July 16, 2010

Back in the States

Last night, Orr brought me, Shoko and all my bags from Dimona to the airport in Tel-Aviv. I'm amazed we were able to fit everything in the car.

If you've never taken a dog on a flight before, I highly recommend it. I have never had such an easy experience at an airport and this was the Israeli airport no less. Everyone working there came over to pet him and when they asked Orr to step out of line since she wasn't flying, they pushed my carts for me! Then they told me to go right to the front of the check in line! I then took Shoko for a walk around the airport. I was a little nervous that some security guard might stop me with him, but the ones I saw just stopped to pet him. I returned my phone, got a milkshake and then it was time to put Shoko in his his kennel and go through security.

There was a group of high schoolers returning from a trip on my flight. I was afraid they would be really loud and obnoxious but it was too bad. Since my flight left around 1 am, I fell asleep right after take-off. I am always going to fly out late at night, it makes sleep easier and I woke up in the morning here and it should help get rid of my jetlag.

After I woke up and finally got off the plane, I flew threw security and ran to find Shoko. The overweight baggage was late so I got my other bags and loaded them all on one cart. When the overweight baggage came, I told the servicewoman that the dog was mine but she looked at me funny and I didn't understand why. Then I realized that I should probably tell her in English since I wasn't in Israel anymore.

Pushing two carts - one with a dog on it - is not very easy but I made it. I didn't have any trouble with the customs woman who checked Shoko's passport and as soon as I went through the last doors my parents ran up to me, hugged me and helped me with my bags. My mom didn't stop crying a long time even though I pointed out that I was back now and there's no need to cry.

We got home and Shoko ran all over the house sniffing. We sat around talking for a while and then my mom had to go to work. My dad took a nap and I went to the bank to exchange my Shekels. I then went with my dad to the pet store to get some much needed things for the pup. We then met up with my mom at Bishoff's for lunch. I just unpacked all my stuff (I'm very impressed with myself) and now I'm just trying to keep myself awake and busy.

It's a little weird being home. I walked into my room and was overwhelmed by the amount of needless crap that I have. After living in the dessert for a year, I feel like we have so many people telling us to buy so many things that we don't really need, that we're told will make us happy but just take up room in our homes until they take up room in landfills. I took lots of my cloths out of the closet and put them in bags to give away. I'm no saint - I brought 2 bags to Israel and came back with 3 full ones - but I'd like to bring some of that sparse desert-living back with me to the states. We'll see how it goes.

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