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Friday, October 30, 2009

Thesis and Building the Village

Yesterday there was a lecture by a former MAPMES student who came in to talk to us about writing a thesis. But I was the only who showed up! So I had a one-on-one with him and got to ask lots of questions and it was good to talk to someone about the whole process. However, he did tell me one thing that is a little discouraging. The whole writing process takes about 6 months full-time! So that means that I would be able to do lots of research and put together my in-depth proposal while studying but I would need a half a year after I finish in order to write the paper. That kind of puts a kink in my plans to finish everything over the summer and start a PhD program in the fall. We'll see what happens.

Last night a bunch of my friends threw a Halloween party at the dorms. It was a lot of fun and since it was at night, I stayed over and came back this morning. When I got to the village, everyone was working and cleaning and building. So I got to work too. Everyone was working. Some people were painting, others were busy laying down planks of wood for a new walkway and I helped build a rock wall that will enclose a garden in front of one of the new houses. It was very cool and while were working it actually rained! When the sherut/van taxi dropped me off this morning, he was surprised, "Wow, this is a giant village. Who built it?" So I said, "We did." Very cool. It's really great that I'll be able to leave my mark on the village.

Right now, I'm about to clean the apartment and Boaz (my roommate) is busy making soup and homemade tahina for our big communal dinner tonight. It smells great. I'm excited.

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