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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Days 14-16

I think a day by day account of me mostly going to class isn't really so interesting. And if I think that, then if you are by some chance reading this, you're probably thinking something similar. So instead of having individual blog postings/postings for everyday within a weekly post, I'm going to try posting more often, but skip over some of the more boring parts.

Day 14

Sunday was pretty standard. Ulpan is still going well although nothing particularly exciting happened that day.

After class Shay and I got some groceries and had some lunch. I tried an Israel version of tradition soup, not bad. I got to pick his brain a little more about PhD programs and learned a lot about the Brandeis program where he's enrolled. It sounds like a great program although I guess I should get through this one first before I make any big decisions.

I then caught up on some TV since I hadn't watched anything since I got here.

Then we had pub night 09. It was fun, although I can't party as much as the people here. I know I'm a loser but I'm hoping it's because most of them are younger than I am.

Day 15

After Ulpan the next day, I decided to head back to the dorm so I could study for the quiz we had today (Tuesday). But it was so nice out so I took my books and sat on the grass in the quad. It's pretty cool to be able to say that. As soon as I sat down a cat came running over and sat in my lap. While I probably didn't study as much as I wanted, I still covered a lot of material and it was certainly more enjoyable.

After a while, Boobs and Rebbecca joined me and we named the cat Zoomer. Good times. Then we all got together with the German group and made a huge bonfire. I must say I was a little creeped out being around a huge fire while hearing German all around me. But I got over it and got to hang out with a bunch of them. They're pretty cool but we realized that none of us really knows all the words to any of the songs we were trying to sing. And I couldn't find anyone who knew how to play 99 red balloons. Bummer.

Day 16

We had our second quiz in Ulpan today. Not too bad. We've started using a textbook to supplement our own work in class, which I guess is good, but I kinda got used to not having to do work out of a book. I liked just talking about the news and writing essays on gays in the military in Hebrew. Oh well.

After class I went to the MAPMES (my masters program) office and asked a whole bunch of questions. I wanted to make sure I would be able to take Arabic classes at my level since only beginners Arabic is offered in my program. Rosaline who runs the office showed me all the different classes and recommended some professors. She says I'll have to take one class as a seminar in which I'll read lots of Arabic and translate a lot... into Hebrew, since it's a regular Israeli class. I'm excited. Now I really need to step up my Arabic reviewing. But the weird thing is, the Arabic classes are only one day a week for 4 hours. So I guess that means lots more independent work. But still, only speaking in class once a week doesn't seem like the best system. I guess I'll have to meet up with the other students out of class to practice in between. I also asked about stopping off in Morocco on our way back from Spain on our Study-Tour. At first she said we couldn't, but now she's looking into it. Which is great because while I'm glad we're going to Spain, I was really hoping to go to a Muslim country and since we're already going to be so close and with a whole group of people studying the Middle East, why shouldn't we be allowed to extend the trip. I might have to trade my Kippah for a Kuffi but hey, they're pretty much the same thing anyway (religiously and linguistically), besides, I think I'd look pretty cool in one. I can't wait. I'm sure to get lots of great footage there and it'll just be awesome to be in Morocco.

Oh! Today while I was online, I came across this ad:
It says: "Choose a blessing from Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav: livelihood, luck, health..." If only it played music with "Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman" it would be perfect. I love Israel.

Ok, it's really late now and I need to do a presentation in class tomorrow on the Swedish newspaper that is alleging that the IDF is killing Palestinians for their organs: What a wonderful world we live in. It's nice to know the blood libel is alive and well. Better get to sleep now, I have a big day of eating Palestinian babies ahead of me. My God, the things that people are willing to believe because of hate is truly staggering.


  1. ok you would look strange in a kufi and I do not agree with this sudden love of Brandeis for the simple reason that I do not like is too cold for me.
