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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shoko in Be'er Sheva

I brought Shoko to school today. The bus driver wasn't so happy but Shoko didn't even make any noise, so he couldn't really complain. He stayed with Hannah while I was in class and whenever he went outside everyone made a huge fuss. It was very difficult to pry him away from Hannah and Stacy but eventually they let me take him back. She took lots of picture that will hopefully be on facebook soon.

When we got back tonight, the whole village had a Poikeh. It's a big bonfire, where we cooked a big stew of lots of veggies, meat and rice. It was delicious. There were times after I moved here when I wasn't so sure if this was a good decision, but sitting outside, under the stars, with Shoko bouncing from one lap to the next and everyone singing songs, I can safely say this was a great decision. Ayalim is awesome.

Now I'm packing for our trip to Eilat this weekend and Shoko is sleeping. He was dreaming before and kicking his feet. In the words of every Israeli who meets him, "איזה חמוד!" or "What a cutie!"

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