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Monday, October 26, 2009

My Courses

I finally registered for classes today. At BGU the first week is for "shopping" for classes.

I pretty much knew which classes I was going to take already, the only one I wasn't sure about was Arabic. But after sitting in on a few classes, I found one that seems to be just right for me.

These are the courses I'm taking:

Milestones in the Zionist-Arab Conflict 1881-1949 by Benny Morris (woo!)

The 1979 Iranian Revolution: A Thirty-Year Perspective by Haggai Ram

Studying the Modern Middle East: A Historiographic Review by Ursula Wokoeck

In the Shadow of Fear: Freedom of Expression in Intellectual Writing in the Middle
East by Alon Fragman (my Arabic course, cool name right?)

Beginner's French by Igor Dreer

1 comment:

  1. I soooo envy that you're taking Benny's class. Did he yell at you for eating yet/did you mention Sam Stone?

    Also, did you get Morris to write Erica an email for her evil professor?
